As a young person I lived in India, where my father was for many years a School Principal. I saw firsthand the difference an education made in the lives of village children who, without help from others, would have had very few options in life. The New Horizons School reminds me of those days.
Having recently retired from teaching, I appreciate the fact that I am part of a team that impacts the lives of children in positive ways. As refugees from Haiti living in the Dominican Republic, their families do not have access to basic medical care and education. Our school offers hope and an opportunity to develop their potential and to prepare for a bright future with possibilities. Students have access to growth and experiences they might not otherwise enjoy. They develop self-confidence and pride as they encounter challenges and overcome them.
While many of us may not travel to visit The New Horizons School, we can certainly help to shoulder the weight that the continual daily functioning of a school entails.
Ensuring that students' basic nutritional and educational needs are met, so they are able to profit from the education that The New Horizon School offers, is impossible for a few Teachers and Administrators to accomplish. Realizing that our dollars stretch much farther in the Dominican Republic than they do here, our financial and emotional support allows us to be part of the 'village' that it takes to raise a child. I find that to be very satisfying!
Joanne Easterbrook
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Photography Workshop
Aug 6-13, 2012, The New Horizon School hosted a photography workshop to teach students the art and skill of photography. The effort was led by a team of photographers and photo enthusiasts. Students were given cameras and asked to capture images in their community covering four areas: The things they value; The things they want to change; The things they want to show the world; and The importance of education to them. Students were taught to critically analyze their world to express their thoughts through the lens of a camera. They told their stories and highlighted their families, friends, and communities. With little instruction the children's photos were amazing, capturing the vibrant life of Munoz and its despair through the eyes of its most innocent. The work was exhibited in the community on the last day, and each child received a portfolio of their work. Cameras were left at the school for future use.
The children's images are now part of a travelling exhibit for 2nd Chance, International.
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